Commercial legal advice, from a financial perspective that creates value for both you and your company. We are ready to help you.
Is age just a number? In the summer of 2022, a change in the law was made that prohibits employers from obtaining data on the age of the job applicant.
Understanding, drafting, and applying employment contracts can be a daunting task. We therefore guide you through the process step by step.
A series of new rules come into force on 1 July 2023, are you aware of the new employment conditions your employees are entitled to?
Are you aware of how the change in the rules on maternity leave in the EU may affect you? can help answer that.
Can a company require tests or corona passports for its employees? Read more about this and what you as an employer should be aware of.
Changes to the maternity rules on the way. A new EU directive requires member states to earmark 9 weeks of parental leave for both parents.
Reckless driving can have the company car confiscated, as the law regarding reckless driving came into force with effect from March 31, 2021.
Are men entitled to supplementary maternity leave? The European Court of Justice has recently ruled on a case concerning men’s right to supplementary maternity leave.
Can you be dismissed because of being overweight? Read more in this article about this. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.