Personal data (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation is the EU regulation that replaces the directive that previously regulated the way we as companies and organizations handled personally identifiable data.

By now, we have all received several emails explaining how our personal data is processed. In addition, we can’t go to a website without giving consent to how the website processes our data.

A good question to ask yourself is ”Is your company fully aware of the rules and do you comply with them? Do you have both an internal and external data policy? What do you communicate to job applicants when it comes to the processing of the personal data the applicant has in their application?

These are all answers you can get by contacting For several years, we have advised and developed many GDPR solutions and made many companies GDPR-compliant. Therefore, we are well placed to help you. has a collaboration with an IT company, so we can not only provide legal advice, but we can also advise on IT solutions. This way you get the best sparring and help 360 degrees around your business. This ensures that you comply with all legal and technical requirements that the regulation, the Personal Data Act and the Cookie Act bring with them. In addition, always stays updated on the national data protection authorities’ guidelines and decisions. We are also a member of the Danish DPO Association, which is the association for data protection officers.

Examples where has advised within the Personal Data Act (GDPR)

Over the years, we have prepared and advised many clients within personal data (GDPR). For example, we have advised the following clients, both of which are anonymized:

Company C ApS:
A company approached us many months after the GDPR came into force. The company realized that they hadn’t given the new rules any thought. This could not go any further. Therefore they wanted a fully developed solution that could be implemented directly in their company. works in close collaboration with our customers, and therefore we were able to quickly get an overview of the need. Subsequently we were able to make the company compliant with all applicable rules in a very short time.

Company D ApS:
Another company called one afternoon when they urgently needed a data processing agreement. They feared they might end up losing their customer as the customer requested the data processing agreement as soon as possible. Working together, we quickly created an overview of the need, scope and requirements for the agreement. The very next morning our client received a completed data processing agreement. Our client’s customer never realized that the client did not originally have a data processing agreement, and the client had a really good experience, as was agile and solution-oriented, and created what was needed immediately.

Need advice within Personal Data (GDPR)?

Then get a call for a non-binding conversation about your challenges.

    Business legal advisor Alexander Høy
    Alexander Høy
    (MSc) in Business Administration and Commercial Law ApS
    Phone: +45 71 99 06 10